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A computer has many characteristics, These are the few following characteristics explained below.


Modern computers have an incredible speed of processing. Computer speed is measured in units of a millisecond (one-thousandth of a second), microsecond (one-millionth of a second), nanosecond (one billionth of a second), and picosecond (one trillionth of a second). Those computers that are more advanced, like the latest microcomputers or supercomputers, may carry out millions of instructions per second (MIPS).


The computer can ensure a consistently very high degree of accuracy in computations. The data is processed according to the sequence of instructions and therefore if input and procedures are correct, the output will be very accurate.

    Huge storage and fast retrieval:

The computer has huge storage capability. For a personal computer, 1 to 2GB of RAM memory is almost a standard today.  By inserting RAM chips this memory can be upgraded further, which are available in different modules of  1GB, 2GB, 4GB, and so on. Cache memory is also available in Pc. Cache memory is a faster access memory device and hence it improves processor performance. Optional or assistant stockpiling gadgets are utilized for perpetual capacity. Nowadays computers have huge secondary storage capacity, e.g., a PC hard disk can store more than 1TB of data. USB drives, DVD ROMs, CD-ROMs, CD-Rs, and magnetic tapes, etc.


Despite the fact that PCs are fundamentally intended to do just number juggling activities, yet they are equipped for performing practically any assignment that has a progression of limited consistent advances. PCs can be utilized for interchanges, measure control, research, climate anticipating, medical care, web-based exchanging, instruction, preparing, safeguard applications, etc.

         Free from fatigue:

The computer is free from fatigue. It doesn't become weary of work and never loses fixation. It can perform basic arithmetic operations with the same degree of speed and accuracy for any extent of time continuously, with the same amount of efficiency as the first transaction.


The computer can be programmed to function automatically and this differentiates it from any other calculation device. It works as modified for any timespan until the condition to end is fulfilled.

          Networking capability:

Computers can be interconnected into a network. Network, in turn, can be connected to other networks. Networks extend the capability of computers. The networks provide the basic infrastructure for electronic communications, electronic commerce, and online trading and information services.

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